
Rocky Point Rally is proud to have Mex Legal as a platinum sponsor!!!

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Rocky Point Rally is proud to have Mex Legal as a platinum sponsor!!!

Mex Legal will have attorneys from Sonoyta to Puerto Peñasco ready to help if you have any issues, such as traffic stops, harassment, accidents, or the threat of arrest. They’ve got your back no matter what. We highly recommend downloading their app and getting one of their plans. It’s the best way to ensure you have a blast at the rally and have some backup, just in case.

ATENCIÓN BIKERS RUMBO A RPR: Mex Legal tendrá abogados de Sonoyta y Rocky Point listos para ayudar si lo necesitan. Pásate por nuestro stand en Rocky Point durante el registro si tienes alguna pregunta. Descarga la aplicación gratuita antes de salir, u opta por un plan de cobertura para tener un abogado contratado durante las fiestas.